Wittenbach/Wege Agriscience & Environmental Education Center
Community Garden
Since its birth, the Wittenbach/Wege Agriscience and Environmental Education Center's Community Garden has been sowing friendships, growing community involvement and raising an appreciation for the land. It's become a place for those without sunny backyards or balconies to still enjoy the benefits of gardening.
The garden provides gardeners
- the opportunity to grow fresh produce for family & friends
- the ability to lower grocery bills
- the opportunity to learn about gardening
- the chance to network with other gardeners and meet new friends
- the opportunity to work the land and harvest the fruits of their labor
- the chance to relax from the day's stresses, get exercise and enjoy being outside
- the opportunity to grow traditional foods not available in supermarkets
The Wittenbach/Wege Agriscience and Environmental Education Center (WWC) is pleased to be able to offer Lowell Area residents the opportunity to rent a garden plot in our Community Garden. Plots can be rented March through November for a nominal fee.
Facility Use Request
Our facility is available for rent for a variety of events. If you would like to request use of the Wittenbach/Wege Center, please fill out and Facility Use Form.
Luminary Hike
Schedule a Field Trip
Kindergarten – Living vs Nonliving (2 hours)
1st Grade – Habitats (2 hours)
2nd Grade – Plants (3 hours)
3rd Grade – Animal Survival (3 hours)
4th Grade – Plant and Animal Adaptations (4 hours)
5th Grade – Classification and Ecosystems (4 hours)
Kindergarten – Snowshoeing and Animal Tracking (2 hours)
1st Grade – Snowshoeing and Animals in Winter (2 hours)
2nd Grade – Snowshoeing and Winter Tree ID (2 hours)
3rd Grade – Snowshoeing and Winter Animal Survival (3 hours)
4th Grade – Snowshoeing and Bird Adaptations; Energy (3 hours)
5th Grade – Snowshoeing and Winter Human Survival (4 hours)
Kindergarten – Sensory Exploration (3 hours)
1st Grade – Animal Life Cycles (3 hours)
2nd Grade – Earth’s Land and Water (3 hours)
3rd Grade – Earth and Me (3 hours)
4th Grade – Plant and Animal Adaptations (4 hours)
5th Grade – Classification and Ecosystems (4 hours)
Each program is designed to teach science themes in a fun, interactive manner. We will explore a variety of habitats and use hands on activities to learn more about the different environments and their inhabitants. Your students will walk away with a great understanding of the natural world. Programs were developed using the Battle Creek Area Science Curriculum and can be adapted as needed to fit your classroom’s needs (time, season, etc.).
Price per classroom
1 classroom - $100 (2 hours), $130 (3 hours), $160 (4 hours)
Each group will be led by a staff naturalist. We require that at least one adult, in addition to the staff naturalist, accompanies each group.
Scout Programs
The Wittenbach/Wege Agriscience and Environmental Education Center is the perfect setting for achieving scout badges. Our knowledgeable staff, combined with acres of ecosystems, makes earning a badge fun and educational.
Programs can be customized to meet specific badge requirements. Together we can discover wildlife habitats, investigate water, explore nature using our senses and even go on a night hike! These are just a few of the possibilities - please contact us for more information on how we can help you earn specific badges.
Scout programs are 1.5 hours in length with the majority of that time being spent outside so scouts are encouraged to dress for the weather. Cost is $3 per scout with a minimum of 10 scouts (or $30) and maximum of 20 scouts. Troop leaders are free. Programs can be scheduled after school, on school holidays or weekends depending on availability.
During the winter, if conditions are right, scouts can add snowshoeing to the program for an additional $1 per scout ($4 per adult). Snowshoeing provides an incredibly fun, simple and healthy way to access and enjoy the out or doors during the winter season.
Please note badges are not included in the program price. Please make arrangements to purchase your badges from the council.